841 W Central Ave.  Sutherlin, Oregon

Sabbath Morning Church At Study 9:20 AM

Sabbath Morning Worship Service 10:50 AM



This page was updated   021325 PM
Today: Prayer Room is open after church.
Tonight 6:30 pm Prophecy Unsealed Series continues at the Roseburg SDA Church. Runs 5 nights a week through March 28. For details call 541-672-1542
Feb. 19th Wed: 6 pm Prayer Meeting
Feb. 20th Thurs: 1-5 pm Office Hours for Pastor Sean
Feb. 22nd Sabbath: 9:20 a.m. Sabbath School Bible study:” Free Will, Love, and Divine Providence”
Feb. 22nd Sabbath: Offering: OR Conference Youth Support
Feb. 22nd Sabbath: Speaker: Pastor Sean Murphy
Feb. 22nd Sabbath: Church Fellowship Potluck
Feb. 23rd Sun: 2 to 4 pm is “Game Afternoon! Come to the ALC with your favorite game. And your favorite Snack (optional).

Pickup your mail: Items are still items in the mailboxes from Christmas. Please pick them up today.

Mark your Calendar! March 9th to April 3rd at 5:30 pm (Sunday and Thursday only) is the Diabetes Undone Class. If you or someone you know would like to attend, contact Cheryl Herscher at 541-680-6066 to register.
**Cost is $50 for a workbook and cookbook. If you have taken this class before, and have your materials, no cost.

Camp Meeting Fundraising: Update… In December, camp meeting giving equaled $60,000! (The goal is $390,000.) In January, a matching gift was offered for every dollar given up to $150,000, so now your gift will be doubled. Our fundraising deadline is March 31st

How to help: You can write “Gladstone Camp Meeting” on your tithe envelope or you can give online at: https://orad.us/ORGiving

Roseburg Better Life SDA Church will be having a Dental Van at their church Mid-March through the month of April. Watch for more details.

Folk Mountain Gospel Program: March 15 at 6:30 with Don and Donna Mohl at the Roseburg SDA Church.

Please continue to pray for the future of our school. We are searching for a teacher and trusting the Lord to lead in all things pertaining to the school.
And pray for our children, our churches children, and our community children.
You can’t bring your house, your car, your stuff or your money with you to heaven.
But you can bring your children.
Teach them about Jesus. 

Vacation Bible School
If you are interested having a VBS Program in 2025, there will be a Zoom Meeting on Sunday, March 16th . https://campmeetingvolunteers.wufoo.com/forms/m1inb4hy0dqj8rg/. It will run from 10 am to noon. After you register, a link will be sent to you to join the Zoom meeting.
Sabbath rest is complete today at 5:43 pm

Today: Prayer Room is open after church.
Today: Church Fellowship Potluck
Tomorrow: 10 to Noon: Valentine Card Making. Join in to help the children make cards to share at Chantele’s Loving Touch.
Feb. 12th Wed: 6 pm Prayer Meeting will be at the ALC!! Join in for “Studies on the Holy Spirit.” There are books available. Excerpt from the book by author Kevin Wilfley: “Glory be to God, (when) the last aching abyss of the human heart is filled to overflowing with the love of God. Love is the beginning; love is the middle and love is the end. After He comes in, all you see is ‘Jesus only, Jesus ever.’”
Feb. 13th Thurs: 1-5 pm Office Hours for Pastor Sean
Feb. 15th Sabbath: 9:20 a.m. Sabbath School Bible study:” The Problem of Evil.”
Feb 15th Sabbath: Offering: Church Budget
Feb. 15th Sabbath: Speaker: Will Collins

Game Night in the Afternoon! Save the date – February 23rd from 2-4 pm. Join in for fellowship and fun. Bring your favorite table game. Watch for more details.

Mark your Calendar! March 9th to April 3rd at 5:30 pm (Sunday and Thursday only) is the Diabetes Undone Class. If you or someone you know would like to attend, contact Cheryl Herscher at 541-680-6066 to register.  **Cost is $50 for a workbook and cookbook. If you have taken this class before, and have your materials, no cost.
Camp Meeting Fundraising: Update… In December, camp meeting giving equaled $60,000! (The goal is $450,000.) In January, a matching gift was offered for every dollar given up to $150,000, so now your gift will be doubled. Our fundraising deadline is March 31st
How to help: You can write “Gladstone Camp Meeting” on your tithe envelope or you can give online at: https://orad.us/ORGiving.
Roseburg Better Life SDA Church will be having a Dental Van coming to their church the first week of March through the first week of April. Watch for further details.
**School Survey:  A questionnaire will be handed out this morning regarding our school. Please take a prayerful moment to answer the eight questions that will help the school board to determine the way forward. Please turn the paper in as you leave the Sanctuary.
Thank you  to those who filled out the survey last week. We appreciate your input.

Prayer Changes Things…. “Never stop praying, especially for others. Always pray by the power of the Spirit. Stay alert and keep praying for God’s people. Ephesians 6:18

“The offering which the high Priest makes is the prayer of all saints. From the time of the fall, heart yearnings have been felt in heaven. Every prayer has been recorded in the record books.
Never has one soul’s longing been passed by unheeded. Parents have pleaded for the conversion of their children and children have prayed for their parents.
The burden for souls in distant lands has often rested heavily on some faithful follower of God, and although the ones prayed for may never be conscious of the fact, a connection was made between heaven and earth and the needy ones were within the circle.
Excerpt from Ellen White’s letter to Walter Harper.

 Sabbath rest is complete today at 5:34 pm
