841 W Central Ave.  Sutherlin, Oregon

Sabbath Morning Church At Study 9:20 AM

Sabbath Morning Worship Service 10:50 AM



This page was updated  07/20/24 AM
Calendar 072024

Today: the Prayer Room is open after church.

Tomorrow: 9 am Time to pack up VBS. We will need some extra hands to make this go quickly. We will be taking down, folding, taking apart, packing, and taking things to the storage area above the school.
July 22nd Mon: 6 p.m. School Board Meeting
July 23rd Tues: 12 – 12:30 pm ABC Delivery Truck will be at our church.
July 24th Wed: 4 – 6 pm ABC Delivery Truck will be at Roseburg Christian Academy.
July 24th Wed: 6 p.m. Prayer Meeting. We are studying the 28 Fundamental Beliefs of the Church. We are on #12 “The Church.” Please join us for one hour as we pray for the Holy Spirit and for those on our prayer list and study God’s Word.
July 25th Thurs: 1-5 pm Pastor Sean’s Office Hours
July 25th Thurs: 3 – 7 p.m. Meet and Greet the teacher! Stop by, stay awhile, and meet community parents.
July 25th Thurs: 6 pm is Elder’s Meeting, followed at 7 pm by the Church Board Meeting.
July 27th Sabbath: 9:20 a.m. Sabbath School Bible study: Book of Mark: “Parables”
July 27th Sabbath: Offering: OR Conference Evangelism
July 27th Sabbath: Speaker: Pastor Sean Murphy
July 27th Sabbath: Church Fellowship Potluck
July 27th Sabbath: Singing at Applegate after Potluck.

The Nominating Committee  has three questions for you…. There will be a clip board passed around with church offices and volunteers listed from 2023-2024. Please take a moment to answer the questions. Write your answer next to your name. It will be a great help to them.  Prayerfully consider:

***** Would you like to stay in the position/positions you now hold?
***** Would you like to resign the position/positions you now hold?
***** Is there something you would be interested in doing to serve the Lord and the Church? If so, please write your interest/interests on the last page with your name.
Thank you for your faithful support of the roof project. The work is scheduled to start in early September. Our need of $13,500 by September 1st to meet our goal of $59,000 has decreased to $12,147.85. Thank you for your continued faithfulness in this structural improvement for our church! See the back of the bulletin for weekly updates.

Are you a veteran? Do you work but don’t have insurance? The Roseburg Dental Van will be available for the month of July. Call for an appointment soon. They will provide care and recommendations to people with concerns about cavities, cleanings, and extractions. Call 458-314-0499 for appointments. For other questions, call Andrea Collins at 321-848-8645.

Open House at the School: 3-7 pm on July 25th to meet the teacher and tour the school. Spread the word!! Please plan to stop by during the Open House to meet Kathy and to talk to any community members that stop by. A friendly smile goes a long way!
Recyclable Bottles and Cans are still being collected to benefit our school. There are blue bags in the hallway by the children’s classrooms. Thank you for your continued support and participation.

Oregon Children and Families is bringing you an afternoon gathering for families…..

Lift Jesus Higher”
Fun for all ages! Activity Stations
Family Worship Popsicles
Bubbles, Kites and More!!
Emerald Christian School   35582 Zephyr Way, Pleasant Hill    July 27th 2-4 pm    Registration appreciated!  www.oregonchildrenandfamilies.org  For questions or more info, email jana.lee@oc.npuc.org
There are some brochures on the table in the Narthex. Take what you need for grandchildren, neighborhood children, and others you know would enjoy a fun day!
Sabbath rest is complete today at 8:48 pm
Calendar 071324
Today: the Prayer Room is open after church.

Today: Nominating Committee meeting after church.
Today: Church Fellowship Potluck. Come to share in the great fellowship and good food. You will see the transformation that was made in the ALC for Vacation Bible School. It won’t be up for long! Don’t miss it!!
Tomorrow: 8 am for potluck breakfast, followed at 9 am with the message, “Show is Better Than Tell” at the Roseburg Better Living Center. Discussing “Community Engagement” with Pastor Dauncey and the Rsbg. Men’s Ministry Dept.
July 17th Wed: 6 p.m. Prayer Meeting. “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there among them.” Matthew 18:20. Come out to prayer meeting and spend time in the Word with other church members.
July 18th Thurs: 1-5 pm Pastor Sean’s Office Hours
July 18th Thurs: Last day to order from the ABC Summer Sale flyer for delivery on Tues, July 23 from 12-12:30 at our church or delivery Wed, July 24 from 4-6p.m. at the Roseburg Christian Academy. www.Abcflyer.com
July 20th Sabbath: 9:20 a.m. Sabbath School Bible study: Book of Mark: “Controversies”
July 20th Sabbath: Offering: World Budget
July 20th Sabbath: Speaker: Luke Herscher

Great progress is being made on our new roof project! How thankful we are that the Lord is supplying our needs according to His promises! Thank you for your faithful support of this project. The roof company has agreed to start the work in early September. We have a new goal for the expenses on this project of $59,000. It is a bit different than last year’s goal, but we all realize that prices are increasing for nearly everything. Thank you for your continued faithfulness in this structural
improvement for our church! We need $13,500 by September 1st to meet the goal. See the back of the bulletin for weekly updates.

Roseburg Church Dental Van will be available for the month of July for veterans and those who are working but don’t have insurance. Dental van opportunities will provide care and recommendations to people with concerns such as: cavities requiring care and fillings, cleanings, and extractions. Call 458-314-0499 for appointments. For other questions, call Andrea Collins at 321-848-8645.
“Each new day is an opportunity to start all over again – to cleanse our minds and hearts anew and to clarify our vision. And let us not clutter up today with the leavings of other days.”

Open House at the school: 3-7 pm on July 25th to meet the teacher and tour the school. Spread the word!! The Lord is providing our needs. Please pray for the students he is preparing to come to our school.
A Big Thank You to all the volunteers that worked to make our Vacation Bible School a fun event. The children learned memory verses, listened to Pastor Sean bring Bible stories to life, learned songs about God’s love, forgiveness, loving others, and how special they are to God. There were many other things they did, learned, and participated in. The snacks were good too!

Recyclable Bottles and Cans are still being collected to benefit our school. There are blue bags in the hallway by the children’s classrooms
“You can do more than pray once you have prayed, but you cannot do more until you have prayed.”
Sabbath rest is complete today at 8:53 pm
